It is my belief that we can learn something from everyone, even if it is just a brief encounter. The following are the websites, books, music, learnings, etc. that have inspired me in some way.
It is my honor to share them with you. It is my hope that you are inspired by them too.
Please continue to check back as I will update as more are discovered.
It is my honor to share them with you. It is my hope that you are inspired by them too.
Please continue to check back as I will update as more are discovered.
Videos & Music
What is Family Constellations?
by Oscar Westra Van Holthe |
New Documentary by Oscar Westra Van Holthe
(Available with English subtitles) |
Transgenerational HealingThe preview of the documentary film series about the masterful work of world-renowned Family Constellation facilitator, Stephan Hausner. For more information and to purchase the full-length films, please visit:
Clients' Experiences of ConstellationsPartial video of my presentation at the 2013 North American Systemic Constellations Conference: Clients' experiences of Family Constellations through psychological healing and is spoken in their own words.
(Apologies for the landscape view.) |
Receiving Life in Ancestral BlueprintsSocial groups as morphic fields have a kind of built-in memory. In human families the family has a kind of field and the field of the family has patterns and habits within it, and this is most graphically illustrated by a form of psychotherapy called systemic family constellations, pioneered by the German psychologist Bert Hellinger.
Morphic Fields & ConstellationsSocial groups as morphic fields have a kind of built-in memory. In human families the family has a kind of field and the field of the family has patterns and habits within it, and this is most graphically illustrated by a form of psychotherapy called systemic family constellations, pioneered by the German psychologist Bert Hellinger.
Intro to Family ConstellationsThis introductory talk Brigitte Sztab explores the reasons for, and effects of Systemic Constellations work.
Healing the DivideJourney of the Soul: Healing the Divide between Our Collective Masculine & Feminine through Constellations Jamy & Peter Faust present at the 2017 North American Systemic Constellations Conference.
Constellation Tools (please click photo for link)
When the Body Says NoAt this workshop on November 15, 2012, Dr. Gabor Maté presented an in-depth analysis of vicarious trauma – including definitions, myths, and realities of trauma and vicarious trauma, as well as the sources and triggers for stress, its physiology, and how to release it.
Trauma 101:
Misunderstanding of TraumaDr Gabor Mate Goes into detail about the Direct link between Childhood Trauma, Addiction and Recovery.
The Power of VulnerabilityBrené Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share.
5 Lessons to Live By5 Lessons To Live
By Dr. Wayne Dyer (Truly Inspiring) |
Listening to ShameShame is an unspoken epidemic, the secret behind many forms of broken behavior. Brené Brown, whose earlier talk on vulnerability became a viral hit, explores what can happen when people confront their shame head-on. Her own humor, humanity and vulnerability shine through every word.
Plant-Spirit Medicine Therapy - Coming Soon
Positive Energy CleanseAllow yourself to drift along with this relaxing, cleansing and healing music. Breathe, smile, let go and feel free...If only for a few moments
ThoughtfulComposed by Peder B. Helland.
This peaceful piano, cello and guitar music works perfect as background music while you relax, study, sleep, meditate, focus, etc. Find more Soothing Relaxation music here: |
Sleep Music, Water SoundsRelaxing piano music (3 hours) with water sounds that can be used as sleep music and meditation music.
Articles, Books, & Workbooks
Vagus Nerve is Key to Well-Beingby Markham Heid
The mysterious nerve network that quiets pain and stress -- and may defeat disease |
This is what someone with a
Emotional Safety is Necessary
The Power of Connection
Awe-inspiring psychedelic trips reduce narcissism Eric W. Dolan
New research suggests that feelings of awe from psychedelic drugs can positively affect narcissistic personality traits. |
Psychedelic Times: